Top 5 myths about rooftop solar

Various myths are going around in the consumer’s mind regarding rooftop solar. Let’s look at the top 5 myths and try busting them with facts.
Myth 1: Solar panel's efficiency decreases during winters or when it is cloudy
Fact: No, in fact, solar panels perform even better in cooler temperatures as compared to warmer ones. The panel conductivity increases in cold temperatures, making electricity flow more effectively and efficiently, while on the other hand, extremely high temperatures reduce the panel’s efficiency and working capacity. This is because when the solar panel gets heated up greatly, it produces less power for the same amount of light.

Solar salesmen may find it hard to convince prospective customers about generation data for the year. With all the nuances and physics involved in solar energy outputs, TSL makes sure your sales proposals and designs account for variations over different months.

Myth 2: Solar energy is very expensive and economically not viable
Fact: Due to the advent of new and affordable solar technologies, having a solar panel installed on your rooftop is no longer meant only for the opulent classes. Homeowners with a load requirement of 1kW and above can install solar to reduce their electric bills. There are several upfront incentives provided by the central and state governments if one wishes to go solar.
The recent study conducted jointly by TERI and US-based think tank Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) has revealed that Solar power cost will fall to Rs 1.9 per unit in India by 2030 as compared to existing rates for electricity from grids which range from Rs 3-7 per unit for those consuming less than 1,200 units per month is still around 30-40 % cheaper. Refer to this link for a complete article posted by from The Economic Times (click here)

With detailed financial estimates included in the report, generated using TSL design studio, one can get a clear idea about their upfront cost, payback period, and total savings.
Moreover, the end consumers have the option to choose between the two most prevalent business models in India i.e., the CAPEX model where the entire up-front cost of the project is borne by the energy consumer and the OPEX model where the initial investment is done by a third party (sometimes called Renewable Energy Service Company –RESCO) and the consumer only pays for the units of energy consumed.

Myth 3: Solar systems subsides the aesthetic appeal of your rooftops
Fact: This could have been true if this was posed some few years back when solar panels used to be bulky and clumsy. But, today’s modern rooftop home solar systems are sleek and give homes a sophisticated look by closely contouring your roof. Moreover, recent studies have suggested that homes with solar rooftops sell faster with increased resale value.
Our product can output 3D models of buildings with solar panels placed on them, enabling the customer to visualize, how their building will appear in case they decide to go solar.
Click here for a Residential sample of 9.24kW
Click here for a commercial sample of 43kW

Myth 4: Installing solar is a quite complicated task
Facts: Earlier, when getting your rooftop installed with solar, manual measurements used to be carried out. These measurements were then later used to make 2D and 3D models using some software such as SketchUp or AutoCAD which consumed a lot of time and effort.
But, now with the help of sophisticated software such as TSL Design Studio (Click here), Helioscope, and many others, the entire design can be completed within 20 minutes. These software offer a common platform where design engineers can perform multiple tasks such as 3D modeling, shading reports, commercial report generation, preparation of CAD layout and SLD, etc. This culminates in significant time savings, reduced business cycle/truck loads, and increased sales for solar installers.
Without TSL

With TSL

Myth 5: No upfront subsidies available for going solar
Fact: Both the Central Government as well as State Nodal Agencies (SNAs) offer subsidies to people planning to install rooftop PV systems. As per the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), the Central Government offers a rebate of 40% on the benchmarked installation cost for rooftop PV systems.
This subsidy is applicable in states that fall under the general category. However, subsidies as high as 90% of the upfront installation cost are offered in some states that lie in the special category — North MNRE PV Rooftop Cell. These include states such as Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand and Lakshadweep.

- These subsidies are applicable for institutional, residential, and social sectors, where the System size for rooftop solar panels ranges between 1 kWp to 500 kWp.
- Apart from the subsidies offered by the Centre, various State Nodal Agencies (SNA) also offer subsidies in different states. In some states, financial incentives to even commercial users are offered.
- For example, in Goa, commercial and industrial users will be exempted from paying cross-subsidy surcharges, banking, and wheeling charges.
There are still many myths and those will be taken up in a separate blog.