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DIY or Go Pro? Decoding the Solar Panel Installation Dilemma

DIY or Go Pro? Decoding the Solar Panel Installation Dilemma

Making the decision between DIY and professional assistance while navigating the world of solar panel installation is vital. This problem involves more than just an energy change; it also involves financial acumen, environmental awareness, and technical skills.

DIY has the potential to save money, but the road requires a thorough understanding of electrical complexities and structural quirks. As an alternative, albeit at a higher cost, the Go Pro option provides expertise-driven assurance.

Understanding one's own capabilities, the scale of the project, and risk tolerance in depth is necessary to determine the best course of action. In this article, we resolve the DIY allure and the expert finesse in the Solar Panel Installation Dilemma, assisting you in making an informed decision.

Should You Install The Solar Panels Yourself Or Hire An Installer?

To end or reduce electricity bills and, at the same time, considerably reduce their carbon footprint, many homeowners are now turning to solar panels. Solar self-consumption is a godsend for households because it allows them to save significantly. After making this choice, homeowners often ask the question: Should I have solar panels installed or installed myself? I will tell you everything in this article.

A solar panel is a device for producing renewable energy. The latter converts part of the solar radiation into thermal or electrical energy, thanks to thermal or photovoltaic solar collectors. The integral process of producing solar energy is as follows:

  • The rays strike the silicon cells and transmit their energy to the 3electrons contained in the panels;
  • These electrons produce a direct electric current;
  • A solar panel inverter is then required to transform the direct current into alternating current before use;
  • Finally, two meters are needed: one to record electricity production and another to record consumption.

The energy thus produced can either be injected into the electricity grid and sold to an energy supplier or consumed by the owner within his home, or this energy can be stored in a battery for later use.

Solar panels can be installed on the roof of a house or a garden shed via supports placed on the ground or integrated into the frame. However, installing solar panels on the roof is most used by homeowners.

To have optimized performance, it is essential to have good sunshine all year round and that the roof is exposed due south, that it offers an inclination between 30 and 35°, and that it is devoid of areas of shadow.

Homeowners today prefer using a solar panel kit to install their photovoltaic panels. However, others prefer to hire an installation expert to install solar panels. Anyway, each method has essential advantages and disadvantages before making your choice. Installing your photovoltaic panels yourself: What you need to know.

Solar kits are photovoltaic devices mainly composed of:

  • Photovoltaic panels;
  • Cables;
  • An inverter;
  • A power optimizer.

Depending on the type of kit chosen, it is also possible to have a mounting structure that will allow you to convert direct current to alternating current.

Several merchant sites offer:

  • “plug-in-play” kits with structure;
  • “plug and play” kits without structure;
  • complete kits similar to those installed by professionals.

Before choosing your solar installation kit, it is essential to:

  • Define your needs: You must decide whether you want to sell your energy OA or consume it yourself;
  • Set the desired power: Listing the devices to be powered allows you to determine the power you want for your kit.

These kits come with assembly guides that show you how to install a solar panel.

Installing your solar panel has the advantage of reducing installation costs. However, you must bear in mind that by choosing to install your panels yourself, you will not benefit from state aid, and you have no guarantee as to the installation, nor even the possibility of the total or partial resale of your production. Some insurers may even refuse to insure you.

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Hire A Solar Panel Installer.

It is advisable to call on a qualified professional, especially since installing an installation requires significant work that should not be taken lightly. You have the option of requiring a home visit from a professional.

The professional will conduct a study upstream to determine the viability or not of your future installation. Thus, you are covered in the event of damage because you benefit from the ten-year guarantee of the installer.

This insurance guarantees that your installation will comply with all the standards. It is advisable not to rush into choosing a professional: call several installers and compare their quotes.

Even after choosing the one that seems to convince you the best, carefully study the commercial proposal made to you to be sure to understand all the work that will be carried out and to avoid certain pitfalls.

By calling on a professional to install your photovoltaic panels, you are directly eligible for the State's subsidies. However, you must go through a professional carrying a label to benefit from it.

Cost Of Installing Solar Panels

Cost of installing solar panels
  • Power: 3 kWp, 6 kWp or 9 kWp;
  • The type of panel used: photovoltaic, thermal, or hybrid;
  • The number of panels;
  • The method of installation: roof, integration into the building, ground;
  • The labor varies according to the professional chosen or the solar kit's price according to the chosen model.

Thus, an installation of 3 kW, for example, will likely cost you between $3,000 and $10,000 if you call on a professional. However, this price does not include the potential aid for which you may be eligible. The State has set up several schemes to help individuals finance energy-saving work. These include, among others:

  • The purchase obligation allows you to resell your electricity at a price fixed by law;
  • From the photovoltaic self-consumption bonus, which is degressive and variable according to the power of the installation;
  • VAT rate reduced to 10% for installations with a power less than or equal to 3 kW.

Whether you seek help installing solar panels or do it yourself, think about the administrative procedures to be carried out upstream. You must request prior authorization from your town hall. In addition, you must also apply for a connection to the public network to be able to resell all or part of your electricity produced.